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M.Ed. Salary: Calculating Value for Education Jobs

More than 公立学校49%的教师 and 40% of teachers in private schools have a master’s degree, according to the National Center for Education Statistics, and the payoff for the degree is relatively high. 

根据美国.S. 劳工统计局(BLS), education administrators with master’s degrees make wages 44% higher 比那些有学士学位的人. But an increase isn’t limited to administrators. 拥有硕士学位的学前班和幼儿园教师的工资涨幅也差不多,为43%, while elementary and secondary teachers see salary bumps of $12,000 and $11,000, respectively. 

This article will help you understand how having a 教育学硕士 (M.Ed.) degree can increase your salary as an educator, administrator or teacher.


An M.Ed. 可以帮助你在短期内提升你的职业生涯,有可能增加你的薪水:根据国家教师质量委员会, 美国88%的大学区.S. offer additional pay to teachers who hold master’s degrees. 从长远来看,M.Ed. 为你提供了获得更高薪酬领导职位所需的资格, 哪些其他的硕士学位不会. 

According to Dr. Brett Tozer, chair of the School of Education at 十大正规赌博平台大全排行, an M.Ed. 满足当前渴望行政职位的教师的当前和未来需求. 

“大多数老师想要个M.Ed. because if a job for an instructional coach or a dean of students opens up, they have the degree that makes them more competitive. 他们不用离开学校就能利用晋升的机会. Tozer says.




这里有几个角色,一个M.Ed. 可以帮助你准备:

A principal oversees all school operations, 包括领导教师和工作人员, setting goals, approving curriculum and keeping track of student performance. 教育硕士学位通常是最低资格证书. Principal licensure is usually a specialized track within an M.Ed. program. It includes an internship and leads to licensure. 和所有的教育工资一样, a principal’s salary depends on level of experience, 教育和地理位置. The U.S. 美国劳工统计局报告说,小学的平均年薪, middle and high school principals was $98,420 in May 2021 and the highest 10% earned more than $153,520.

这取决于他们工作的机构和部门的规模, a postsecondary administrator might oversee student services, academics, athletics, admissions and faculty research at colleges and universities. These positions typically require a master’s degree. 美国劳工统计局报告称,高等教育管理人员的平均年薪为96美元,910 in May 2021, 在大学和专业学校工作的人比在大专院校工作的人挣得多. 收入最高的10%的人收入超过190,770美元.

学校辅导员帮助学生培养学术和社交技能,并为他们毕业后的工作制定计划. Career counselors help students and other clients develop skills, 探索潜在的职业和工作,并找到有助于职业发展的教育项目. 通常需要硕士学位. 美国劳工统计局报告称,中小学学校和职业顾问的平均年薪为63美元,460 in May 2021. Employment for these roles is projected to grow 11% from 2020–2030, faster than the average for all occupations.

除了发展, implementing and assessing educational material, 教学协调员监督学校的课程和教学标准. 他们还可以培训、指导和指导教师,帮助他们提高技能. 通常需要教育或课程与教学方面的硕士学位. 中小学教学协调员的平均年薪为75美元,840 in May 2021, 根据美国劳工统计局. 政府职位为78,900美元.

成为学前班或托儿中心主任通常需要学士学位和早期儿童教育经验. 除了招聘, 培训和监督员工, 这些主管设计节目计划, prepare budgets and oversee daily activities. Payscale 研究发现,拥有M.Ed. 平均年薪为48236美元,而拥有学士学位的平均年薪为44104美元. 预计,从2020年到2030年,托儿中心主任的就业人数将增加11%, slightly faster than the average for all occupations. 

Curriculum Coordinator, Curriculum Designer
负责学习, 评估和实施研究性课程和教学,观察和培训教师, curriculum coordinator positions typically require a master’s degree. Payscale reports that curriculum coordinators with an M.Ed. in curriculum and instruction earn an average salary of $65,945.

这些教育培训材料和教学计划的作者通常必须拥有教育或课程与教学的硕士学位. The average salary for a curriculum developer with an M.Ed. 工资是70,776美元.

虽然硕士学位不是成为教育顾问的必要条件,但大多数顾问都有硕士学位. 该学位将帮助你获得专业知识,并向客户保证你在你的领域的知识和专业技能. According to Payscale, education consultants with an M.Ed. 平均年薪67,331美元.

M.Ed. 期望的薪水

Many factors can impact salary in education, 包括多年的经验, subject taught, geographic location and setting (private school versus public; university versus elementary, for example).

国家教师质量委员会(NCTQ)调查了90个样本学区, 他们发现,拥有学士学位的教师的平均终身收入为1美元.7 million, or about $57,000 a year over a 30-year career. But for a 拥有硕士学位的教师,终身收入增加到约200万美元, or roughly $67,000 a year over the same career span.


全国教育协会的教师工资基准报告发现 top annual salary for a teacher with a master’s degree 2020-2021年的工资是70,279美元,而拥有学士学位的教师工资是60,381美元吗.

Of the states that reported top master’s degree salaries, the five states with the highest top master’s degreesalary 哥伦比亚特区($110,179), Connecticut ($90,099), New Jersey ($89,966), New York ($88,896美元)和华盛顿(88美元),713).

在列表的另一端,是 five states with the lowest top master’s salary 密苏里州($52,109), Kansas ($54,321), Oklahoma ($54,849), 南达科他州(55美元),078美元)和路易斯安那州(56美元),205).

Does Having a Master’s in Education Increase Your Salary as a Teacher?

NCTQ确定a 硕士学位的教师在第一年的教学中可以获得2760美元的额外收入 与学士学位相比. And that salary advantage expands to an average of $7,358 per year by the time a teacher reaches the top salary on the pay scale. And in some districts that can be even higher.

In Montgomery County Public Schools (Maryland), for example, the NCTQ reports that teachers at the top of the salary schedule with a master’s degree (or an equivalent number of credits) make $36,716 more than a teacher at the top of the salary schedule with a bachelor’s degree.

这些数据和其他数据表明, yes, 作为一名教师,拥有教育学硕士学位当然可以增加你的薪水.

当然,金钱不是万能的. 拥有教育硕士学位也会提高你的技能,帮助你在申请新学校的工作或在你目前的大楼里担任领导职务时脱颖而出.

十大正规赌博平台大全排行硕士.Ed. 《十大正规赌博平台大全排行》是一本帮助你获得学位和技能的理想读物,你需要提升你的职业生涯. K-12建筑级领导重点领域准备教师在小学领导职位, 初中和高中. 高等教育领导力重点领域为未来的招生主任做准备, academic deans and other university leaders. Learn more about the 教育学硕士 in Educational Leadership program.

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